August 20, 2024

Transition from Field Work to Business Growth: Tips for Construction Business Owners

Our practical tips on delegation, team building, and technology adoption will help you transform your business from hands-on to strategic.

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As a construction business owner, you've likely built your company from the ground up, pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into every project. However, there comes a point where you simply can't do it all yourself if you want to see your business grow and thrive. Eventually, there comes a point where you would rather work on your business instead of working in your business. Delegating tasks and responsibilities is essential for scaling up your construction business. This guide will provide practical strategies to help you focus on strategic growth, stepping out of the daily grind.

Assess Your Current Workflow

Do an inventory of how tasks are currently being handled in your business. Identify which tasks are essential for you to handle personally and which ones can be delegated to others. Look for areas where you're spending too much time or where your expertise could be better utilized.

If a task can be delegated out, work to hand it off to other people. Take time to train them and help them understand what needs to be done. Only the essential tasks that you and you alone can do should stay in your own workflow. 

Hire the Right Team

Building a reliable team is crucial for freeing up your time and expanding your business. Invest time in finding skilled team members who align with your company's values and goals. Whether it's field technicians, project managers, supervisors, or administrative staff, having the right people in place will allow you to delegate responsibilities confidently.

Hire the right people to avoid an endless cycle of letting them go and doing their work. Develop effective recruiting processes to identify and hire the right candidates for your team. 

Implement Systems and Processes

Streamlining your operations with clear systems and processes is key to effective delegation. Create standard operating procedures (SOPs) for various tasks to ensure consistency and efficiency. This not only helps new hires get up to speed quickly but also enables you to step back without worrying about things falling through the cracks.

People sitting at the desk creating standard operating procedures for business‍

You can use Google Drive out the gate to create and share SOPs. Eventually, you will need a more robust software like Trainual in order to create and manage your SOPs.

Provide Training and Support

Once you've hired your team, invest in their training and development. Provide ongoing support and guidance to help them succeed in their roles. Encourage open communication and feedback, allowing employees to feel empowered and valued within the organization.

Some ways to do this is to schedule regular meetings and trainings for all of your departments. Some teams may need once a week and some may need once a day. You can experiment with different times and frequencies in order to run your meetings. A good format to follow is to go over house keeping items, then Educate (teach), Elevate (motivate), and Evacuate (let everyone go back to focus on their tasks).

Utilize Technology

Take advantage of technology to automate repetitive tasks and streamline communication. Project management software, scheduling tools, and collaboration platforms can all help improve efficiency and effectiveness in your business operations. Embrace technology as a tool to enhance productivity and facilitate delegation.

One of the best things that technology can do for you is it can allow you to see what is happening in multiple places at once without having to go in person to see everything all the time. This allows you to multiply your skills and time. 

Delegate Strategically

Know when to let go of control and delegate tasks to others. Focus on high-value activities that align with your strengths and long-term business objectives. Delegate routine tasks or those outside your expertise to capable team members, allowing you to focus on driving growth and innovation.

If you are in the field with your guys, one of the first, mot important hires you can make is that of a solid office manager. Delegate as many back office tasks that you can do them. Next, you will want to hire solid team members who can perform in field work flawlessly. After that, you will want to focus on using software to help get you out of the field, to allow you to sell and supervise more. 

Set Clear Expectations

When delegating responsibilities, be clear about expectations, deadlines, and desired outcomes. Provide the necessary resources and support to enable your team to succeed. Regularly check in to assess progress and offer guidance as needed, ensuring everyone is aligned and accountable.

Having regular one on ones and leadership and/or department meetings can help you keep your team members accountable and on track. 

Empower Your Team

As a business owner, you may feel the urge to micro-manage. Don’t do this. You need to have faith in your team. You need to be ok to see them fail here and there. Empower your team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Encourage autonomy and initiative, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. Recognize and reward achievements, motivating employees to excel and contribute to the success of the business.

Evaluate and Adjust

Continuously evaluate your delegation strategies and adjust as needed. Monitor performance metrics, solicit feedback from your team, and identify areas for improvement. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changing circumstances or business priorities.

From time to time, you may make the wrong hiring decisions. This is ok. With each employee, you want to focus on training, developing, giving them as many opportunities to succeed as possible. Give them up to three warnings and corrections before you let them go. If they keep performing poorly, you will need to let them move on to another opportunity so you can bring on team members who will contribute and help you business grow. 

Focus on Growth and Improvements

With more time freed up from day-to-day tasks, focus your energy on strategic growth initiatives and company improvements. You can focus on sales and marketing. You can focus on improving your processes and systems. You can focus on recruiting and developing your team. 

Explore new markets, expand your service offerings, or invest in research and development to stay ahead of the competition. Keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible for your construction business.


By implementing these strategies, you can transition from being a hands-on operator to a strategic leader, driving the growth and success of your construction business. Remember, effective delegation is not about relinquishing control but rather empowering your team and leveraging their talents to achieve common goals. Embrace the opportunity to scale up your business and unlock new possibilities for the future.

At MotionOps, we can’t do any recruiting or training for you. But, we can help with the software side of scaling your business. We have had many companies join our platform and see exponential growth by being able to remotely manage projects more efficiently and streamline more of their processes. See more at

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